Pastoral Care Group
This is an overview group that helps advise the Ministry Team in their pastoral care of the congregation.
Chair: John McLuckie
Meets: each month
Pastoral Visitors
Pastoral visitors aid the Ministry Team in their diaconal role of pastoral care amongst the congregation, often by bringing sacraments to those unable to attend church in-person. All pastoral visitors are trained and overseen by the Rector.
Coordinator: John McLuckie
Children & Vulnerable Adults Protection
Old Saint Paul's follows the guidelines of the Scottish Episcopal Church on safeguarding the welfare of young people and vulnerable adults. All members of the congregation volunteering into roles which specifically involve interaction with children and young people are required to undergo Disclosure and Barring Service checks.
Officer: Norma Walker
Adult Sunday School
We occasionally run adult Sunday school courses to offer enriching teaching that complements sermons and other study/reading groups.
Coordinator: Gordon Graham