What is Stewardship?
This issue of the White Rose is different from our usual monthly edition. It forms the heart of a stewardship campaign which aims to focus our collective attention on what our church is called to be and do, and how we can respond to that call. When we clearly articulate our purpose, we are better placed to resource it with our giving it time, money and energy. This is stewardship.
Stewardship begins with a clear sense that the church is a community of faith before it is an institution or an organisation. The organisation and material aspects of a church’s life – our buildings, staff, governance and activities – are all at the service of this fundamental conviction that our primary purpose in the world is to love God and our neighbour. Loving God – prayer, worship and study – and loving neighbour – service, pastoral care, outreach – are the common identity of all churches.
For Old Saint Paul’s this identity is expressed through an image and the words Still in the City. To find out more, turn to the penultimate inside page of the magazine.
So, what are you being asked to do?
First, to celebrate and show our gratitude to the diverse group of people who make up this worshipping and serving community. Everyone has a part to play and so many members give generously of their time and money.
Secondly, one of the many ways we express our commitment to the life and mission of Old Saint Paul’s is through our financial giving. We would like to encourage you to consider prayerfully how you support the work of the church through your giving. Do you give by monthly standing order? Have you never committed to giving regularly? Perhaps you have never been asked or been shown how straightforward it is. Information is available in this issue of the White Rose or on the OSP website.
Thirdly, if you would like to be part of the planning for new areas of outreach in our city centre community – let us know! If you have a passion for community development, the arts, healing or hospitality – there is a need for your time, talent and ideas.
And finally, if you are able and willing to volunteer on any of our regular rotas of coffee makers, live streamers, welcomers, children’s helpers, intercessors, readers, servers or committee members – do tell us. More can be found about all these in this issue of the White Rose, including the relevant contact details.
We also have a beautiful church building that is a beloved sanctuary for prayer and worship, a place of gathering and silence, of inclusive welcome, of fine music and art. It, too, is at the service of our fundamental calling to love God and neighbour. How can we ensure that it continues to do so for future generations? This edition of the White Rose provides an overview of some of the challenges we face in relation to the care and improvement of our buildings. Are you able to help with the planning or fund-raising essential to meet these needs?
Old Saint Paul’s is in good heart.We are a
committed and talented congregation with a distinctive tradition of prayer, worship and service. With God’s help we seek to grow in our life and mission to the centre of our city, faithfully continuing and extending the work and witness of our ancestors in the faith for our own day.
We will conclude this stewardship campaign on Sunday 24th November – the Feast of Christ the King. On that special Sunday we will pledge our commitment to our church and community, acknowledge our calling to love God and our neighbour – and celebrate our joy with the traditional parish lunch!
Fr John.