High Mass
The main celebration on Sundays is High Mass (also known as Eucharist or Lord’s Supper). The service starts at 10.30am and normally lasts around 90 minutes. Members of all churches are welcome to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion, and all are welcome at the altar for a blessing.
Our early morning and mid-week Masses are celebrated in one of the chapels, and are quiet and reflective.
The Mass is at the heart of Christian spiritual life because Jesus promises to be present to us as a community of people seeking to follow him. Words (spoken and sung), ritual actions (such as making the sign of the cross with our hand) and silence combine together allowing us to experience again the Christian story.
On special occasions, our choir and clergy lead all who are able on a short procession around the church as a symbol of our common journey of faith. On Palm Sunday, this procession takes us to the Royal Mile as a public witness to Jesus’ final journey into Jerusalem.
The ceremonies of Mass, known as the liturgy, offer us the opportunity to take part together in worship.