Funerals and memorials
A funeral is an act of worship in which we commend a life into the hands of God, in hope and reassurance of the resurrection of the dead.
Saying goodbye to one we love is difficult. A priest will journey alongside you at this time, supporting you in your grief and helping you to plan the funeral service.
A funeral can take place in our church with either a Requiem Mass or a funeral service, followed by a brief service at the crematorium or graveside. Alternatively, our clergy can take a service at the crematorium only.
Our liturgy provides words of comfort and hope and can be personalised with hymns and readings to create a service that captures the life of the person to whom we are bidding farewell.
We also hold memorial services to help mourners celebrate and pay a tribute of thanks for a life that has ended.
Arrange a funeral or memorial
Please contact the Rector if you would like to arrange for Old Saint Paul’s to conduct a funeral or memorial.